Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week 2 Readings

Computer Hardware: 
Reading this wikipedia article was, for me, like spreading a computer out on a table top and looking at each piece.  I have no idea what each one does or how they interact as a whole.  Thank goodness for all the different links on this page.

Moore's Law: A fascinating article and video.  I don't know if I could call it a law though, as even the wikipedia article stated, "the more Moore's Law was accepted, the more it became a goal for the industry."  It is a goal the indutry has been able to meet thus far.
Even though the microprocessors have become smaller, it does not mean that speed or software capabilities have increased expontentially as well.  This seems to me a mirror of the human experience, as we have these large brains but capacity to use them only a little bit, and that we have access to all the knowledge in the world, yet wisdom is still only attained by a few.

Computer History Museum: I love the internet timeline.  Funny, I didn't find Al Gore on it at all?  I was hoping the chess exhibit could give me some tricks to defeat my husband, but it seems that Deep Blue is my only hope.  The Babbage computer build from his designs would defintiely be something to see.

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